Man at the plastic surgeon


  • Bünyesinde TÜRKAK tarafından TS EN ISO/IEC 17025 Standardına göre akredite edilmiş ''Mikrobiyoloji ve Fiziksel Analiz Laboratuvarları'' bulundurmaktadır
  • Türkiye’nin ilk ve tek ''Lipozom ve Probiyotik Araştırma, AR-GE ve Üretim Merkezi (LIPRO)''
  • ISO 6, 7, 8 standartlarında iki adet ''Temiz Alanı (Clean Room)''
  • Hücre Kültürü Analiz Laboratuvarı
  • Kimyasal Analiz Laboratuvarı
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face
Cosmetician hands with working tools, patient face