Man at the plastic surgeon

Addressing Misleading Scientific Claims

Argumentation is a scientific discussion of proving or disproving a particular claim. It is the attempt to justify or defend an idea, a hypothesis, or a thought by using evidence and proof.

In today's world, many claims are made, both in the written and visual media and in social media, which have no basis and are far from scientific reality, and these claims cause serious damage to brands and their products.

As MecNano Technologies, we refute the claims attributed to the companies we provide consultancy with the data we obtained as a result of scientific studies with our Science Team.

In order to refute the claims, the samples to be examined are not accepted by the company, and we supply products from different regions and with different lot numbers. Then, the analysis procedure is created and presented to the company in detail in the final report. All analyses made in the report and why it was done are explained in detail. In cases where it can be proved visually, the report is supported with images, while in cases where visuals cannot be supported, only the analysis results are shared. After the report is finalized by our Science Team, it is shared with our Client company.

To give an example, one of our Client companies, who applied to us, stated that an account with hundreds of thousands of followers on Social Media claimed that carbon nanotubes were found in their products and it spread rapidly on social media. The company demanded that this allegation be investigated and presented as a report. First of all, we prepared the answer based on the scientific literature that such a situation could not theoretically occur on behalf of the Client company, and then we presented our report that such a situation did not occur as a result of the scientific studies we carried out.