Man at the plastic surgeon

Cover Page

After your scientific study becomes an article, some journals request a cover page for the issue in which your article will be published. It is a great prestige for a researcher to have the cover page of his publication. It also increases your post's visibility, reads, and citations. The higher the quality of your candidate cover page and the better it is drawn by a professional team, the more likely you will be accepted. 

As MecNano Technologies, our Science Team, which has had cover pages in the best journals in its field for years, can draw the most ideal cover page for your article in accordance with the journal format.

You can send us your request by filling out the request form below. After the preliminary examination of our Science Team, information about the process, contract, and price offer will be sent to you if it is a publication suitable for our area of expertise. After your approval, the process will begin.

Our Science Team will also ask you to draw what kind of cover page you want on a paper and send it to us. Before starting the cover page drawing, our Science Team will have a meeting and get your requests. Then, we will draw and give the cover page its final form with a final meeting. If you don't have a cover page idea in your mind, you can review our previous cover pages drawn by our Science team below and basically design on a paper as you like.

Request Form for Drawing Cover Page