Man at the plastic surgeon


Brief Explanation

Microneedles are micron-sized needles made of various materials and shapes, ranging in height from 25 to 2000 μm. The application of microneedles to the skin can create micron-sized transport pathways that allow for enhanced transdermal delivery of a wide variety of active pharmaceutical ingredient molecules. Microneedles provide controlled drug release as a drug delivery system for small drug molecules, active pharmaceutical ingredients, nanoparticles, and macromolecules such as peptides, proteins, and nucleic acids. More importantly, the size of the drug molecule is not a limiting factor for their administration. The transdermal route is used for the sustained release of the active pharmaceutical ingredient molecules from the skin surface to the body and overcomes the problems associated with oral administration.

There are five types of microneedles: Solid, coated, hollow, porous, and soluble. Most of the microneedles are used in biomedical fields, especially for cancer treatment, skin disease treatment, insulin release for diabetes treatment, biosensors (blood sugar level detection), and vaccines. Apart from this, it is also used in the treatment of pain, mucous membranes, and eye diseases. There are many clinical studies on microneedles and they attract serious attention worldwide. Therefore, some of the microneedle-based drug delivery systems have reached the commercial market. Microneedle-based transdermal drug delivery systems may play an important role in the modern healthcare system in the future and will be an alternative to buccal, oral, vaginal, rectal, and ocular drug administrations with their minimally invasive feature. As MecNano Technologies, we produce soluble type polymeric microneedles.

Unique Features

  • Controlled drug release of different types of active pharmaceutical ingredients
  • An alternative route of vaccination
  • Can be used in the diagnosis
  • Elimination of first-pass metabolism
  • Ease of use (Self-application)
  • Patient compliance is high
  • Suitable for the individualized treatment approach
  • Economic
  • Painless

Our Microneedles

Our microneedles are produced by using water-soluble polymers alone or as composites. Micro/nanoparticles can be loaded in micro/nanofibers without drug release from the particles.

  • Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)
  • Polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP)